
27 October, 2009

Do You Believe In Capital Punishment?

Is capital punishment evitable for today's times? Most agree yes, while others have a different agreement.The Terms "An Eye for an Eye", "A Tooth for A Tooth, "Do Onto Others, As They Will Do Onto You", and the list goes on, Has raise the agreement, I say yes! why not re institutionalize capital punishment. For one thing, it will make criminals think twice for the action they are thinking committing. Another agreement stems from, why should I pay my hard earn money to support criminals and make them live with the consequence for what they have done. While the disagreement on the other side, states what if the DA or the jury convict an innocent person. and they no longer can prove their innocence because they are now dead. Also, in actually, the cost for capital punishment far exceeds the cost, taxpayers will pay to execute prisoners, than to imprison them for life. Considering, the higher pre-trial expenses, longer trials, jury sequestration, extra expenses associated with prosecuting a DP case, and the appeals process.Lastly,There’s the argument to be made, that death is too good for the worst criminals. Let them wake up and go to bed every day of their lives in a prison cell, and think about the freedom they don't have, until they rot of old age. Whatever your stand, everyone has the right to express their thoughts about capital punishment, because its our constitutional rights as citizen, and as human beings, to let the government know how we feel about capital punishment. So what is your stand on Capital Punishment?