
30 November, 2010

Food For Thought (Self Reflection)

When I decided to venture off into unkown lands, I had a goal in mind, but within the process,  I had to learn about myelf and the steps needed to undergo my  transformation, so I can blossom into a butterfly. Within the process, the butterfly must first learn about its surroundings, and take account  mistakes it made along the journey, before breaking out of its cocoon, and taking flight. Otherwise it will never grow, and like time, it will  just expire. Speaking from a personal standpoint, I realize the past can sometimes follow you like a bad smell. From my past, to where I stand today, I have finally came to grips with myself  and my past, and now take full responsibility for my actions, so I can move forward from this point of Daring To Dream And Touch A Star,  and finally grabbing that star. As I analyze my situation, from every angle, I decided its time to cut it off from the roots, so it doesn´t continue to follow me on my journey. From my past, I usually blame others for my faults and misfortune, and never  took responsibility for my own actions. Therefore I  held grudges, and overtime, it drained me physically and mentally.Moving to Costa Rica, I knew that I had some personal issues to resolve, but never did I realize, it was something that it stemmed from my childhood years, which my love ones and close friends warned me about. Now realizing my faults, I now have a different outlook on life, when it comes to problem solving, when dealing with irrational or self absorb people. One must be level headed at all times, otherwise you wear yourself down, and nothing is ever accomplished, because you spend so much energy, fighting those who you think is oppressing you, while you lose focus on your ultimate goal. Sometimes distractions can contribute to a major disappointment to ones success, because along the journey, there are going to be alot of distraction, but if one knows how to handle those things, in a cool and rational manner,  it can determine ones future, whether or not,  dreams can be accomplished. As the saying goes, the soldier that goes to war, without firing a shot or claiming any lives, is usually the most successful. As I continue the journey, I too realize, like the transformation of the butterfly, I need continue the process of  self transformation, so when the time arrives, I recognize when its time to take flight. In the meanwhile, I´m still looking forward to learning from my mistakes, before transforming into that butterfly.