
04 March, 2013

The Cost of Corruption... Jamaica's Barrier to Prosperity .

If education is the key so why does the bigger heads make it so expensive for we.. Give them the key, oh set them free.. Enjoy!!!!

Dennis Rodman Makes History

In today's world perception is what we see and what we hear, but for me, there are two sides to a story. Especially if the truth is hidden somewhere in the middle. Basketball is a global ambassador, when it comes to its popularity. Using basketball for global diplomacy is brilliant . Think about the Olympic games, the spirit of what it brings to the world and everyone coming together in the spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. Sports has always been a global trendsetter, because it has the ability to break down cultural barriers. Sports has always been use as  a way to defuse war among feuding nations. Dennis Roman said it best, Lets start there! I think he is onto something. One Love!