
19 December, 2010

Is Technology Taking Over Our Lives And Ruining Our Fun?

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to visit some local and old stomping grounds and get reacquainted with some familiar places, trying to see if anything has changed or has things remained the same. From the impressions I got, it has diffidently changed. In a world where technology is becoming the driven force behind people's curiosity, people are falling more and more to the seller as they are finding ways to brainwash a generation that no longer reads or no longer aware of what’s going on in the world. When it comes to fun, people have forgotten how to do that as well. I remember the days when people use to want to go out to the local bars and communicate in person or dance and forget about their everyday problems. The other night, I wanted to do the same, but others seem to have different ideas on their agenda. When I arrived at the local lounge, most people were like zombies basically standing still, being distracted my phone texting and not enjoying the vibes that was trying to get across. What has become of cell phones these days? That most people can't put it down for at least 4 hours out of the day and just unwind and have some fun. It becomes apprehend people have this stigma of wanting to feel important and feel appreciated because that is what it is obviously how it’s being reflected. By wanting to communicate with people who are not really there. For me to spend 10-20 dollars to have some fun and forget about the outside world and just dance and feel good about myself, that is something that most people are forgetting what to do these days, because they are weak to gadgets and falling victim to what society wants us them do, and that is lose touch with ourselves and what makes us truly happy. I'm not saying technology is not important and it does have its benefits but don’t allow it to control your life, that you are promised one time. Just something to think about..... One Love