
31 January, 2009

Find Ways to Survive

My people have been jailed, with the oppression of shame
Since the beginning of time
But yet, we find ways to survive!
My people have been fooled,
By deceit and lies,
Like prisoners committing a crime
But yet! we find ways to survive!
My people have found ways
To survive through hazardous conditions
Like roaches and rats
But yet, we find ways to survive!
.. ..
Historical facts, have been stolen and rewritten
Like a bandit strolling in the night
But yet, we find ways to survive!
The moon and the stars that reveal the brightness of the skies
Have disappeared with the rising tides, But yet, we find ways to survive!
The hopes and dreams that comes with a surprise
Has vanished, like a gift without a prize
But yet, we find ways to survive!
The truth has been covered, by corruption
And by the blindness of our eyes
But yet, we find ways to survive!
Once assembled like trains, but now scattered like dust
But yet, We find ways to survive

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