
15 January, 2010

My Haitian People

My Haitian people, in your deepest hours of despair,

We can not comprehend, your pain and fears,

Our eyes, are caught in the midst of your tears

But god will not forsake you! As he will lure you near,

You have the pride, of the black panther, Courageous and strong!

As you cope, in your darkest hours, your light shines, like the burning torch,

Like the vigorous winds, you blow with tremendous force,

You have overcame so much fury, Just look back at your history,

Your soul is radiant, like the warm sun, always peeking through the storm, not willing to run,

Your character, will over stand all the misery, as you will overshadow, all the Tierney,

My Haitian people, my prayers, condolences, reach out, to all friends, and family.

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