
09 April, 2010

Sweet Jamaica (Dedicated to all Jamaicans)

Sweet Jamaica, land of my birth,

There couldn't be any other place sweeter, on mother earth,

The vast beauty is something to see

Observing the view, looking out in the sea,

Jamaica, where green black and gold is our pride,

Confident with nothing to hide,

Jamaica, land of pretty girls and pretty beaches,

Paradise, where tourist want to reach,

Sweet Jamaica, where you can lay out in the sun,

At night, so much to do, having loads of fun,

Sweet Jamaica, a place where you’ll find tradition,

Where everyone is a solider, always on a mission,

Sweet Jamaica, where you find mannish water, and cassava,

Go into the fields you can find ganja and sweet yam

Sweet Jamaica, where everybody is a star, in our lingual, everyone can reach far,

Sweet Jamaica, a place if your known, everyone knows who you are,

Jamaica, a place of culture and pride, all over the world, we show we can strive,

Sweet Jamaica, a place where impossible is nothing, because we make great strides.

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