
30 June, 2010

Art Imitating Life Or Life Imitating Art?

An open quotation without a beginning or an end, this statement has been long associated with the comparison of a circle, which has no beginning or has no end, so what´s the verdict? For me, I think both forces are at work. I think its an eternal question that should be answered by the individual, because we all go through different life experiences that shape the way we think and feel about the world. For example, what came first, the chicken or the egg, no one can truely answer that question.I believe that(art and life) are intimately coexistant. One cannot survive without the other. Life without art and expresson would lose all meaning, just as art without life is meaningless.Obviously, life is prior to art and art is posterior to life. But when both are there in existence, one influences and imitates the other. Example, today many people are influeced by the media from what they hear and see. but, there are those who have creative avenues that can express their feelings or thoughts into their own stories or picture. In conclusion, I think both are reflective of each other. What is your take? Is Art imitating Life or is it Life imitating Art?

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