
05 November, 2010

Its Ok To Play With Your Food

I remember my mother telling me as a kid, stop playing with my food! and how strange it sounded coming from her. I didn't want to disobey my mother, but now I realize, with a little imagination and creativity thinking, playing with your food, doesn´t sound like such a bad idea.  Maybe I interpreted wrongly, but here are some artist  who interpreted the same exact way I did, by not listening to their mothers, and this is where it got them. For mothers who have problems getting their kids to eat  fruits and vegetables, here are some creative solutions to your problem.With everyday fruits and vegetables, creating a masterpiece into incredibly cute animals and anthropomorphic characters will change the way you look at food. With all these new creations  for kids, eating  broccoli and other pesky greens, will be a fun time around the dinner table. Here is a website that I found... Enjoy the food display...

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