
17 December, 2010

Welcome Back Wade....... New York Reflection

Man! What a surreal experience, living abroad for more than a year now, and the transformation I had to endure, to go forward towards my next destination. It's even more evident, being back home now, because for the first time since August of last year. I'm at place, I've known for half of my life. Now that I've had the moment and opportunity to reflect of my experiences, and perspective on life. When I decided to take this journey, I knew I had to change, because for a person to attain the things they want in life, such as Dreams, he or she can't stay one place, otherwise a person doesn't know the adversity that comes along with success. For one thing, my hometown seems a lot smaller, compared to how I left it, in that sense, from the people I have met, and the experiences and life lesson I've learned from Costa Rica, and now implementing it on my next travels. It’s something that money or gold can’t put a value on, because not many people are willing to take such a bold move, and can say they've done something that, or even more importantly have the courage to do such a thing, because of their fears, doubts and insecurities. Coming back to New York, the world became a lot bigger, and my hometown became a lot smaller. Now with the experience I have taken with me, its with the same curiosity, I continue on this journey, with the transformation from a cocoon into a butterfly, and realize when opportunity comes fourth, When It's time to stop dreaming,and now start touching the stars. Now that I have time to reflect on my experience beforehand, and looking forward towards my new adventures and experiences in Asia, I now look at Ossining as a stepping stone in my life, because their is where the upbringing stems from, but in the same token,thats where true test is, of wanting to continue growing and incorporating new things, to keep on growing as a person and as an artist. I will keep you posted on my travels and my place of choice in Asia within the next couple of weeks. Thanks for following me on my journey of exploration of Daring to Dream and Touching the Stars. It's because of interest and wiliness to take the time to read my blog,it makes me want to continue informing you on my journeys about the world, and coming to the realization that dreams do come true, if you’re true to yourself, have ambition, goals, a open-mind, adventurous, courageous, and confidence, and a little thing I call faith. Thanks again for your time, comments and opinions. Merry Christmas and Happy Hoilidays

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