
31 January, 2011

New hybrid airships prepare to take flight

The 21 century is beginning to taking of in more ways than one, when it comes to hybrid airships. This new idea combines airplane with the airship, creating a hybrid. This is leading to new ways for creating environmental solutions, to get rid of the pollution, special projects for the army, and feeding the hungry. The only concern at the moment, is finding the financial backing to take on such a huge project, that can be a way of helping with humanitarian missions. The benefits it presents is having the inability to future where you can easily transmit cargo to remote areas that require special missions. This can come as a huge advantage when it comes to transmitting troops that don't require roadways where you don't need roadways. These new hybrid aviation can support 150 tons. These new ideas are now being explored in Australian companies called sky lifter. As it been said, the technology always finds new innovate ways to progress humankind, but depending how you look at its views it can also spell doom for those looking at it from a personal and selfish reason, being used to for chemical and nuclear weapons to inflict harm onto other nations, but in the back of my mind, looking at it from a humanistic standpoint, where a aircraft can transmitted tons of food for nation that can feed its perople, which is always a good thing to account for.

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