
19 March, 2011

The Price For Oil?

What's taking place in Libya, comes from the understanding of why I call this, politics at work, world leaders around the world, doing whatever needs to be done, ceasing oil barrels and invading  other nations, that have large quanties of  the oil, without any remorse of negligence, of what this might signify for its citizens. Allies are now coming together, to fight against extremest in the middle east. What the public needs know Libya has 2% of  petroleum, natural gas, gypsum, remaining on earth, so we must tweak or minds and come to a conclusive understanding, of what the media is really trying to project to us, providing the evidence they are giving us. Its this really democracy at work? or another ploy to distract the masses from finding out the real truth, which is, oil. The French, Italy,  British  and United States among other nations  are coming together, to fight against the evil that affecting our world . To be honest, If the reason was written in clearly in stone, to why these nation are going after communist nation that are doing bad to their people, but for leaders to say their is evil in the world, and not go into specifics of why they are taking military action, without any other tactics, leads me to believe they are not taking the people seriously, and there doing whatever needs to be done, to fill their agenda, while the future of this world is at stake, if we don't focus on finding out the real truth, instead of putting politics over the heads of people, and feeding the people infromation they want to hear. From me, its hard to define the ethics of why we are going to war, because for one thing, the country is in economical downfall, educational programs are being cut left and right, but yet we have money to go to war? The situation in Libya  makes me think from what point of view, is the media injecting us with all these information, that war is just, when its clear the objective far exceeds the objective that there are other possibilities at work. We the people have a right know the real truth or else history will repeat itself, because as the old saying goes, "if you don't stand for something,  you will fall for anything". One Love....

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