
25 April, 2011

Earth Day 2011-Favorite Recycled Crafts

Who said the world was a garbage dump? but as the old saying goes? one person junk, is another person invention, not quit the right phrase I'm looking for, but its crazy to think, with a little imgination, what wonders it  can do to a persons mind. This is the idea we want to project to our future generations, so they can find answers, to make the world brighter,  for years to come. Earth day is a time to reflect on the problems of our world, and come up with creative solutions to start a eco-environment campaign, that will start the proactive movement, to allow individuals to tap into the their psyches, and find ways to save our planet. Through education and imagintion, the possibilities are endless. Here are some artist that found  some time to express their ideas, by making a difference through their crafts. Here is a website that I found with some amazing display.

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