
02 May, 2011

Bin Laden's death- Victory or Conspiracy?

Every media site, television network and newspaper has claimed this day, as one of the biggest victory ever in our history. After 10 years of digging in caves and holes, the United States of America, has captured its prize, and put an end to a ten year man hunt, to one of  the world dangerous man, that was responsible for 9/11.What does this victory signify, and what does this really mean for us, further down the road?  In today's world, reminders of our way of life being endangered, becomes more appearent everyday, but would you trade it in, for your freedom or rights to know the truth? Yesterdays news, comes off as a relief, but at the same time, sad and unsure. What do we really know, media coverage has been saying one thing after the other, but where is the evidence? It puts my theory into questioning about Bin Laden's death. Also he was at his mansion, when they decided to carry the mission, as a intelligence person, wouldnt that be a place of choice that I would look into first, before going to other extremes? We are hearing stories about his death, about how they carried out his body to sea, and  how they carried out the operation, which changes day by day, which is  a little odd for my taste, especially knowing, it comes just ten years before the anniversary of the twin towers collapsing.  For one thing, I want to see the actually body, to put a closure to those innocent lives  that were taken on 9/11. I always felt that the truth lies in knowing, I have the  right to know, as a citizen, to find out the truth, because what is information without support? When it comes to these things, we must  start asking questions, and sort out the information for ourselves, because  all we know, is that he's dead. also other reports having been circulating that he might of been dead years ago, which is  perfect timing, just before the election of 2012, so this could be a ploy by the US government to distract us from their clear objective which is oil, also Obama's approval ratings going up, for the next presidential election, but  I guess we'll  never know. We live in a world, where anybody can say anything, and its believable, especially when it comes to the Media. I am at sadness and anger of what happened ten years ago, for all the lives lost, but at the same time, we can't go beyond ourselves and sink to the levels of our enemies, and celebrate their death, because then, we become a  reflection of them. We live in an age of technology, were we have videos, pictures and communication devices, to find out these information for ourselves. Lets start asking question  and sort out  information. For all we know, our buttons could be pushed, for a clearer objective that we can't see yet. What do you think? Victory or conspiracy?

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