
21 September, 2011

My Visit Back Home to Jamaica

Five and a half years, since the last time I was back  home.  A lot has changed since then, not with just the progression of time, but friends that I  once knew, fell victim to violence, while others fall victim to everyday life of poverty, while others maintain and keep striving. Sometimes you find out, the way you picture how people will turn out, can sometimes can surprise you, but as I found out, life is full of surprises.. Apart from that, my mentality from what I wanted out of life, has changed as well.  I wanted to head back home, and revisit my roots, and reconnect to  the place that taught me about myself and about the world. I am remember the first night being there, and hanging out at the local job with some friends I grew up with, and how star struck they were, knowing I live in America, and all I can think of, is when I was young and how star struck I was, never been to  America, and visualizing money growing on trees, and literally picking them off  the tree as I walked by. Twenty years ago,  I too was brought into the same notion, and there the journey began. From a tiny part in Jamaica, called German town, where German settlers  once occupied, but no longer are apparent, with the arrival  of the African slaves, from the  tribes of Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone.   It was an enjoyable conversation. I could still tell they weren't buying into the concept of how hard it is to make it in America, as they thought money was the only gate way to the impoverish life of Jamaica, but living there and in America, gave me a better interpretation of how both worlds shape a person. The best part of returning home, was catching up with friends and family, to see how they were doing. The two weeks and few days I was there, it was like reliving my youth. Everyday I would ask one of the neighborhood children,  if they could climb the tree and pick some plums and mangoes for me. Something I use to do, but now, I was an adult and I wasn't brave and foolish the way I used to be, but the local children got a kick out of it, especially when I paid them  in American dollars.. The other best part of being home, was going to the beach  and  catching up with my brothers and sisters, and  having  the chance to mellow out in the city of Montegobay and go to the city square and listen  classic reggae music, while looking for a vendors, to buy peppered shrimp, jerk chicken, fried fish, beef patty etc. The other best part of my vacation, was hanging out on the countryside during the nights, at the local shops, drinking and smoking with the locals, playing jokes and pranks on each other, while listening to music. For me, it was paradise, but for many locals, it was hell, and they wanted out!  The hard lifestyle and poverty,  sometime makes people see life from one scope, but for me, I had the understanding of  what it was like growing up in two worlds. I remember one night, having a particular conversation,about needing a community center, to bring back unity into the community.How many I was pitching the idea too, was so turn off, i had to take a minute to evaluate and see if maybe my idea was crazy.  I  knew then, I had a lot of challenges ahead, not just with the actual  building of  the community center, but making them believe in the concept of unity, is  going to be the greatest obstacle within itself,  as the negative statements began to pile up on me, I realized,  this was my source of motivation.  For me, it  was a home coming , to get a chance to reconnect with old friends and see what has changed or remain the same within the community, and put certain issues to bed. As I found out,  home is where it all starts, the teachings, values, morals,  and beliefs. The best part for me, was not just that, but being reacquainted with  people who brought me up in the world, and told me how to act  in society. In the two weeks I was there, apart of me was a kid again, picking fruits off the tree, going to the nearest river, and soaking my feet in the cool stream, using natural herbs , making my way downtown, to shop and go to the beach. Folks playing dominoes,  at the local shops, engage in conversations, or sometimes making my way to the local parties, or concerts. I  found the simple things such as courtesy, can be a good feeling, just saying hello to a complete stranger, and getting the same love back in return,  revisiting home  gave me a chance to humble myself, because sometimes in life, we take things for granted, but thanks to my 90 year old grandma, who today, doesn't seem a day over 60, she told me, life can be enjoyable, if you don't like the pressure get to you.  The experience of talking and hanging around her, made me see her  dedication to God,  and how she lived through her faith, as well as treating others with kindness and respect. Returning home was more than about sun and fun, but finding the roots to where I want blossom in the future, and someday,  hopefully forming my own  legacy, the same way my grandmother form hers,  which she told me, through  hope, wisdom, understanding love, faith, and aspirations, the world can be an enjoyable to live...shown on  her picture above..jajaja. I love you Grandma.

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