
16 October, 2011

Revolution Underway?

October 15th 2011 marked World Revolution  Day:
The world is watching, and the tube is recording, as the growing  frustration continues to linger, throughout  all walks of life, as protesters are demanding their voices be heard.  But are politicians taking these street riots and protesters as a threat? No one really knows, but the one thing we all  know, The voice of the people  never go away, until something is done, only then the truth is exposed. In the meanwhile, the entire world is in uproar, as continents  across the globe, is picking up on signs,  that the world  that we once knew,  is now changing. Is this a sign that there is a revolution is underway?  Only time well tell. As for me, I think issues in these times are avoidable and  needs to be talked about, otherwise the rights and liberty we are promised, is going to be slowly taken away, making us modern day slaves. In the meanwhile, keep watching, and reading for the latest in your neighborhood, city, state, county, and etc...

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