
01 December, 2011

Its A Wonderful Life -Christmas Classic

 Now that the Christmas season is here, When I think of Christmas classics , there is no other movie, that has been on re-runs, as much times, as it has, or has made such an immense imprint on future generation, such as Jimmy Stewart's, Its A Wonderful life. Told from a reverse chronology, it gives you something to think about, when it comes to life, and how one person can have an impact on many, whether he or she believes it . I think this movie especially relates to today, and the times we are going through, and some are even thinking about  throwing in the towel, gives us all something to reflect on, when it comes to the gift of life!!  I have watched this movie a dozen times, and each time I've watched it, I've come away with a different understanding about life itself. especially the end, when he reads a note saying, Remember no man is a failure who has friends. If you haven't watched it yet, your missing out. Its an epic, that is timeless, which never gets stale. If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend you do. Enjoy the clip!!


Peteypop618 said...

Classic star. It's about a guy who's stressed out with the bank going down hill. He feels like he shouldn't be in the world that knows him. His angel shows him the way without him being there was a bad idea. The angel also tells him, becareful what you wish for.

Wade Cameron said...

This movie by far is my favorite Christmas movie!! There is no better movie that tells you about the true meaning of life which is the gift of friendship. Thanks for your friendship pal.