
07 July, 2012

Wi Wonda Crew- Gunsan South Korea Part 2

Gunsan was a small town so getting around was not a problem. Every morning when I woke up, I would go for a jog around the city and try to get a feel of the atmosphere. I knew it was going to be an experience. One day which I will never forget, after blowing out a fuse while cutting my hair.  I decided to cut my hair at a local unisex shop. Half of my hair was bold, while the other side had an Afro. I was a little embarrassed when I walked in, but I though it was still a little funny. Not knowing much English  it was difficult to communicate with the owners in the store until I came across a young lady and a young man who where from the city of Seoul who spoke a little English that  happened to be in Gunsan for the weekend. I can tell that everyone in the shop was a little shocked seeing me there. I was a foreigner for one thing  and it wasn't too often they saw a 6' 3 black guy walk into their shop. They were extremely polite and inquisitive. They ask me everything from my profession to the reason why I was in the South Korea. I cracked a few jokes with them and did some American impersonation such as Chris Tucker and Micheal Jackson. The got a  big kick out of it. We took pictures and shared some cultural experiences the gentleman and the young lady who I met both agreed they would be my tour guide the rest of the time I was there. It was sad too, because from that time, I never saw them again, but I will never forget that time in the shop, because they were the first Korean people besides my driver that I spoke when I arrived there. They made a great impression on me and there culture. The rest of my time in Korea was awesome, from the farmers market to the the restaurants,  as we shopped at  the local grocery stores. Everywhere Changa and I went, we made most of our time. What was so amazing about the whole trip everywhere we went, kids would see us from a mile away and run up to us, giving us high fives, and speaking to us in English. The people in generally were extremely friendly and helpful.The woman on the other hand, gave me attention, everywhere I went they wanted to take pictures with me.They were taken by the fact I was so tall. I was even  asked if I played basketball. What I remembered the most were the parties the last night before I came back to the states,. Changa and I along with the Wi Wonda Crew, went out for a night on the town, we decided to go to an American/Korean like setting, where there were alot of foreigners there as well. I was in the mode to party as always, having a few drinks before arrival, I was well amped that night. The first song I heard, I made my way to the dance floor. I danced with whom ever came my way and I  grooved to whatever music was playing, whether American or Korean. I was dancing  and  I played darts and made some new friends in the process. We partied till the wi hours in the morning, until it was time to go home. It was the last night I was in Korea and the last time I got to hang out with the Wi Wonda Crew. It was a great time. I spent the night the same way I remembered it to this day. With fun and excitement. Thanks to the person I met on my travels Changa, my other counterpart, whom I held it down with in  Korea, made the trip  memorable. He taught me a few things that stuck with me. Example, nothing in this life is a sure thing, so whatever you want, you have to go out and get it, and whatever you want to do in this life, you have to be prepared for it. What I also learned was patience is a virtue, you most take the time to observe and reflect on times before you act on them. As my brother once told me in life, you have to be prep to rep and my journey made me realize that. Success is a great thing to aspire to, but having a plan is the skeleton of what makes it all possible.. My second book that I published was a blessings, and I needed more time to market. Having the opportunity to be here for my sisters graduation was even more  special and I don't know if I could of missed it and live with that decision, because family is the greatest gift that is given to us, so we must be there to support them. I am here now more focused than ever, but more confident and focus on my dreams. I have more of an idea of what I want to do in the near future. I'm not sure where to go from here at this moment. Maybe another trip is awaiting  or maybe I need some time to reflect and see what's out there, but I will  tell you this,  my life is surely getting better,  with each  passing experience I go through. The Wi Wonda Crew made me see that for myself. A short, but bitter sweet walk around South Korea was exactly what It was. In my short but bitter experience, I learn to be prepared when it comes to the task at hand, and also that in life nothing is guaranteed, so when the moment comes. Make every moment count. There is no telling if you will arrive to that moment again.


Peteypop618 said...

Bredron I'm glad you had a great time over there and you see you had great confidence and you were quite the attraction with your impressions and your writing. You seem to learn a lot and you're more Korean than me. haha. I wish I came with you that time. Bless mi Seoul Bro!

Wade Cameron said...

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I am really apperciative of it. Its sad I didn't have enough time to really absorb the culture but the little time I spent there gave me a great inpression about the people and the culture. Maybe one day we can take a trip together to revisit your roots. Thanks again Seoul Bro! :)