
11 September, 2012

911 A Look Back

Eleven years ago was a moment that stood still, and in our minds plays over and over again. Not just for America alone, but for people from all walks of life. 911 changes the way we look at the world today. The land of opportunity and freedom gave way to a new dawn of being aware of those who poses attack on our freedom. In a world full uncertainty and fears, there are those who take advantage and pree on the weak. Eleven years ago, which was like yesterday to me, I remember attending my first class English Lit, an unusually strange day, as I thought to myself at the time, because my college professor was never late for class. He was normally the first one there and the last one to leave. That day changed the way I looked at the world from that day forward. There are those out there who want to attack our liberties and rights, so we have to be smart and knowledgeable about what evil threaten our world. As we sat awaiting for our professor to come, I remember a student saying, "If he doesn't show up in the next fifteen minutes we would be free to leave". As we sat there in the hopes of not having morning class at 9am in the morning, I remember my English coming in a few minutes saying. "Didn't you hear, A plane just flew into the world trade center, not giving much thought to what happened at the time, the first thought that came to mind was, Man! someone really needs to train these pilots how to fly. That was 8:48 pm, the first plane that flew into the World Trade Center. As we were getting ready to start class, A few minutes later at 9:03am, another plane hit the other wing of the World Trade Center. Shortly after, we were dismissed from the campus and was told to go home. That moment in history changed my life forever because looked at America in a different light. What made the experience so unforgettable, it was the first time, I saw New Yorkers coming together, in time of horror and grief. I will never forget those who sacrifice the life for the well being of others. Our local police Departments, Fire Fighters, Emergency units, everyone contributing and playing their part. Especially the brave man and woman, who fought the enemy in the plane just before they crashed, knowing that this was their last time on earth, but they sacrifice they made can not go unrecorded. 911 was not only an attack on American soil, but it was a wake up  call for the rest of the world. In these times, we have to be smarter and sharper and consider that there are things going on around us. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims, as well as those who were affected by the tragic events of 911. One Love...

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