
13 February, 2013

Ways To Get Your Heart Pumping

Since its Valentines Day, I wanted to approach the day of love in a different light. Its been said, you can not love others unless you love yourself. What better way to exemplify that than finding way to get your heart pumping.

1) Exercise: Yoga is a great way to pump your heart and control your breathing at the same time. It clears ones mind and connect oneself to a higher level of consciousness. This exercise also brings relaxation to your mind and body. Having the opportunity to have tried yoga myself I can't disagree

2) Space and Clarity: A peaceful environment where you can mediate and get away from life's stressful problems is also another way to keep your heart regulated. A peaceful place where there is not a lot of people around such as a  hike up the mountains or a walk on a riverfront provides a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere

3) Laughter: Nothing charges the heart more than laughter. Comedy clubs, or comedy shows, funny flicks or sitting around joking with your family and friends keeps you youthful, most importantly it adds more years to your life line.

4) Entertainment: Nothing says fun and health in the same breath than dancing. Not only is dancing fun, but the constant movement keeps you energized and your heart pumping. Take it from me. Dancing can sometime  beat going to the gym.

                                                               Happy Valentines Day

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