
27 March, 2013

Save After-School Programs

In the metro news this morning, there was a article about the growing concerns that parents are worried their day care programs will be cut under the major's budget.  Hundreds of parents and children who attend after-school programs plan to protest the possible cuts at City Hall Park Thursday. The campaign for children says 47,000 children would be from child care and after school programs if the mayor;s budget does not change. Under the Bloomberg's proposal about 75 percent of after school spots will have been slashed since 2008. I stand very strong on this issue especially when it regards kids and education.  After school programs is an essential part of  a kids development. Especially when it comes to keeping them off the street  where they are more likely to be exposed to drugs, sex, and  the harsh realities of life. I believe children need to be in a positive environment where they will have the ability to develop and acquire the skills they need socially and academically . I have also been an advocate when it comes to program for children, because the more opportunities we give them, the less likely they will head down the wrong path. When I was a kid coming up, After school programs gave me the tools to socialize effectively, engage in sports to work well  with others  and develop my passion for writing. Look where I am today! A published author that has written two books. Just imagine my life without the after school program, so why take something away that is going to benefit our kids future. Instead of Mayor Bloomberg taking his 12 million dollars to promote an ad on gun violence, why not invest in something that will help our kids future, that way they don't have to think about ever picking up a gun, because they have other alternatives like the after school program. Just something to think about.

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