
19 April, 2013

Earth Hour- You Have The Power To Change The World

No matter where you come from or where your headed, I truly believe that every living person on the planet has the ability to change the world. I came across this interesting article paying tribute to Mother Earth. Earth Hour, which is held on March 23 from 8:30 to 9:30pm was the biggest citizens-mobilzation event the world has ever seen. With events in 7,000 cities and town across more than 150 countries, as well as trending topics on Twitter, Sina Weibo, Facebook and other social networks, a wave of real-life and digital celebrations undulating around the globe.  Earth Hour has led to legislations in the Russian parliament to better protect the countr's seas from oil pollution. Austrailian Prime Minister Julia Gillard used the occasion of Earth Hour od Earth Hour  to announce her commitment to her commitment to establishing a carbon pricing system. And Earth Hour is the inspiration behind reforestation projects in Africa, such as the newely-announced Earth Hour forest in Uganda where 2,700 hectares of degraded land have been secured for reforestation. Individuals took major Earth Hour action, by daring the world to save the planet in the 1 Will If You Will campaign. The pledged actions ranging from going  paperless to cycling to work, eating local to turning their heating down. Every action counts. People around the world gathered again- from Rio de Janerio to Beijing, from Rome to San Francisco, from Delhi to London-to show they cared about the planet and our our future on it. Lets take this moment to recognize we are all brothers and sisters and if we come together for the common good of our planet the future for our kids can be as bright as be, but we must remember change starts with who we see in the mirror, so with that being said, you have the power to change the world.

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