
06 June, 2013

New York World's Most Competitve City To Live In

This article that I came across in the metro newspaper is a no shocker. The city that never sleeps falls into the categorgy of  the most competitive city in the world. An Economist Inteligence Unit study for citigroup  says " One of the reasons New York does well is that its not relying on just one industry.There are  so many opportunities in the public and private sector if you want to make it big in the big apple. EIU's Leo Abruzzense said." New York has strength spread out. With a multicultral mix  and a passion to make it in the big apple, no wonder they say, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if people who're from New York (who've never left) know what PEACE is...

Wade Cameron said...

Living in NYC for 21 years has made me realize that there truly isn't a place like NY when it comes to work ethic and economic opportunity, but at the same time I do agree with your statement about peace. Coming from the Island of Jamaica has made me realize sometimes when your cuaght up in the rat race you tend not to have that traquulity or sense of peacefulness to appreciate whats around you.