
20 June, 2013

Next Chapter--Rio De Janeiro Brazil

There comes a time in a person life when they have to move on , especially if it's the same old boring routine. Traveling is my forte. I embrace the idea if continual growth by going to different places to try and find out what links us all to the human experience. My last destination was South Korea, I learn a very important lesson during my travels there that I will always take with me no matter where I go. What I learned from that experience made me grow up quickly, because I never had chance for someone to explain it to me. Life can throw curve balls and sometimes u won't be prepared to handle them, and that was what I learn on my journey in South Korea. This time a year and half wiser and more  experienced I have decided to take on another adventure. Brazil has always been on the top of my list. It has a deep history and a rich culture. From beaches, to soccer, to foods and lots of sights Brazil is one of the most popular destination to visit around the world. The World Cup is right around the corner, and Brazil has been known to produce some of the greatest soccer players in the world. Partly that is why I am going, but also within recent weeks there has been protest throughout the country about the arrival of the Olympic Games and how its forcing people from the inner city to move out to make room for the World Cup and Olympic Games. Also, there has been other issues regarding  inflation and government spending.. Why are people so angry? We will soon find out. I must say, I am really excited but at the same time a little bit nervous, but like my other  trips, I've learned once you bring an  openness to adopt and want to be apart of the culture people will embrace you.

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