
14 June, 2013

What Do Audiences Look For In A Hero?

The new superman movie arrives in theaters today, and even though I am not a big fan of the blockbuster film , there is no doubt in the minds of many he's  a heroic figure. What makes someone a superhero?  I am a big fan of Spiderman , Peter Park is a nerdy kid from Manhattan, he might not  be the most coordinated, or the coolest, but his alter ego sure knows how to compensate for it.  What do you think audiences  look for in a superhereonow? It's the same thing we've always needed, which is the sense of hope. There's always something going wrong in the world. People need something to count on when things go wrong or seems hopeless.  It just shifts depending on the generation . It always nice to have a fantasy that there's someone who's going to fix everything. It's beating the odds. and that's the same with mythological characters since the dawn of time, since we could think up gods-good gods and bad gods. Nothing has changed in the human psyche. We still need that. That is why we continue to push forward with the same  feeling of  hope.

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