
03 January, 2011

Trends In Art And Technology For 2011

1)Cottage Couture- As the population continues to increase, people will want to find ways to incorporate a new lifestyle and way of living , as this becomes a eco-friendly way of save our planet.

2)Self Solar-Portable and personal solar devices make it easy to go green. Solar panels is going to be the new trend, as the world is finding cleaner and more efficient ways to deal with our energy crisis. Solar panels are going to used more so in our daily lives. Ordinary objects such as books, phones and kitchen appliances offer an easy and convenient way to adopt a greener lifestyle.

3)Ecopolitan Developments- In cities all around the world, cities will be aiming and targeting a common goal for a different future, as it's burgeoning creation of eco-centric cities raises opportunities for more green-living products in all industries.

4)Ecommuting-The rise of innovations that seek to balance lifestyle & eco-friendliness.
With evolution of electric bikes, people will find it enjoyable to want to explore the outdoors even more,as it will leave a carbon footprints. People will find this new lifestyle, invigorating and comforting, as it will be the new method of getting around.

5)Shocktivism-Activists take a more militant stance through provocative marketing strategies. Marketing is going to be the new way of getting points across, as more people will want to voice their opinions, trying to be heard. With the global recession people will become more frustrated, trying to get the attention of their local governments, who will make the citizenspay even more. More laws are going to be past, giving people less rights and freedom. People then, will take to the streets, their frustration and disgust with the government, demonstrating, as they will try this, as a new marketing tool, to get their point across.

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