
13 October, 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness Month- Dedicated to My Mother

This month marks breast cancer awareness month, and for me, I know what its like, living with a love one, who has been battling the disease for thirteen years now. My mom was diagnose with breast cancer  thirteen years ago, and for her, its been the biggest fight of her life. A mother of four children, she sacrifice alot, to put us to where we are today. A Nurse and a nutrientist, she takes great pride in taking care of others, but when she found out she was carrying the deadly disease, she had to change her lifestyle and focus on herself. Months of radiation and doctor visits, she realized she had to take her health more seriously. Especially when ti comes to the hopes of seeing my youngest sisters graduate from high school and make it on to college. These days, she is a survivor, a mother, and nurse, but her perspective on life has changed. She has learned to take life a little bit easy, and focus on the one thing that many of us take for granted these days. Our health.  These days, she is resting , eating healthy foods and taking the time to visit and consult with her doctors.  When it comes to cancer, she knows its no laughing matter, especially when it comes to taking the steps and procedures she needs to take, to ensure that the cancer doesnt  return. Its been battle, not just for her, but for me. I couldn't  imagine living my life without her. These days, she spends her time, acting silly, dancing, shopping at the stores, on the move to the local farmers market, as well, as having enough time,  to take care of her patience at work and her love ones at home. Her outlook is different, as she's taking everything all in strides, as she has learnt to have  a bigger apprenhation for life itself.. I am proud of you Mom.. Love you


Peteypop618 said...

I'm glad your mother is alright. Knowing her, she's a fighter and even cancer can't defeat her star.

Wade Cameron said...

Thanks for the kind words star. But it goes to show we can beat anything in this word with a thing call positive thinking.