
06 October, 2011

The Legacy of Steve Jobs

The world lost a innovative Genius, who dedicated his life, to helping the entire world communicate through consumer electronics products . On a day of sadness and mourning, His legacy speaks to me even greatly, having the vision and the ideas he had, and what he went through during his life.  I am grateful to have the opportunity to have seen  of one the greatest minds in our generation, who brought a  purpose to the world. What really impress me about him, is where he began, and how he arrive to the point of where we all know him as.  Having drop out of college and worked in his basement, to bring to life what we know today, he has inspired me to look at the world differently , not with numbers and figures, but through inspiration, and how one person can change the lives of many. One quote that he said, that drives me to think, why great people such as Martin  Luther King, Albert Einstein  as well as Steve Jobs, have the impact they do on the world, because they  weren't afraid to step outside the box. In a quote he said,  "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do." It's was through his vision, he saw something that was bigger than himself, and he was able to perfect it. In a speech he gave back in 2005, he stated, "you have to trust in something your gut, destiny, life, Karma, believe the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart. Even when it will lead you off the well worn path,  that will make the difference. That was what his legacy meant to me.

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