
05 October, 2011

Protestors Taking It To The Streets

As the economical crisis begins to spread worldwide, there are many outrage,  by the non- progressive approach  by the  federal government. Citizens are now taken  matters  into their own hands, in the the quest of expression the first amendment, by holding demonstrations on Wall street,  to try find some solutions and  find out answers to why bankers and brokers have profited on the backs of hard-working people. Many unions and protesters are looking for answers on why their voices are ignored. Its a serious issue,  just as Greece and Portugal are now facing financial problem, which can affect the US later on down the road, if the European Debt crisis is not fixed soon. In these times, it's  apparent that the world is in dismay and the warning signs for a possible revolution is upon us, for some they are getting tired of the same old gimmicks and politricks  that is used by the  federal government. It was only a couple of months ago, the  same issues were brought up in England, as the people were showing their  frustration and outrage, holding demonstrations in the streets. What would this mean for  all of us in the future, if things don't change? Only time will tell. In the meanwhile, stay informed and updated on the latest news in your country and area.

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