Yesterday, I had the chance to try something new and different, and enter the world of spirituality, balance and focus. Along with a good friend of mine, Julia, 32 years old from Austria, She showed me various breathing and stretching exercises, which allowed me to channel into my inner self. she's been a student of yoga for the past two years. Going back as 5,000 years yoga is used for the means of detoxifying negative elements in the body that leads to stress and complications. Originating in India, Yoga is used as remedy that is used to cure the physical and mental aspect of the body, so you can control your breathing and emotions more effectively. Its teaches the awareness of the body. Being my first time, it was difficult for me to understand, because like most of people, we are not fully aware of the mechanism of how the body works. After 30 minutes of stretching and breathing exercises, I diffidently felt a difference in my mood change. Now I can see why, Yoga is something to explore.