In the wake of yesterday tragedy, I first want to send my prayers and condolences to the city of Boston. United We Stand but Divided We Fall, that is what makes America what it is, beyond the casualties, and list of injuries we have always been a nation of triumph and great resilience. Having the opportunity visit Boston several times and seen the historical artifacts and events that took place and how the state came to be, what I can say is Boston will not allow this event to alter their way of life. Its moments like these we see extraordinary courage and resolve.. In the wake of 9/11 we have entered a different world, where our freedom is threaten everyday. Its times like these we the people of this nation have to remember the prosperity that has gotten us to this moment. In the aftermath of what transpired and the heighten security such as police patrols, cameras, license tag readers, bomb sniffing dogs and mental detectors, the tears and loss for words on the many faces of the participants that surly brought them together. As Americans events like these teach us to be united more than ever and I'm sure the city of Boston will be. One Love Yall.