
26 March, 2013

More Healthy Endorsements By Celebrities?

I came across an article this morning in the metro news about the growing phenomenon on how foods advertised on TV are unhealthy and can affect a child's health. It went on to say, Celebrities who endorse specific foods in TV commercials are powerful influence on children. I know most times when  I watch a commercials on TV I see celebs advertising beverages and foods  loaded with salts caffeine and sugar. The article also went on to say, past research has shown that kids are more likely to pick foods endorsed by celebrities, even when its fruit.  Which brings me to my point. I would like to see a shift that would eventually lead to a change when it comes to the choices we present to our kids. Since a little bit more than half of the US population of kids are obese. Why not educate them so they have more choices of what they put in their bodies. I would like to see more celebrities pick up a water bottle saying drinking water is so beneficial for your health, it not only good for your skin, but it also cleans their blood eliminating bad toxins in their bodies . How about picking up a fruit or vegetable and talking about the nutrients it has and how it can help them learn in school.  Current advertising is worrisome, since most foods advertised on TV are unhealthy and could affect a child's future weight and health. The visualization of images that celebrities endorse have a long impending affect on kids developing stages. I'm not saying food advertisement are cause of children obesity but its sure a contributing factor. What I would like to see is more celebrities advertise more healthy products so children can  have more choices. There was a part in the article that I found intriguing,  A 2012 study found kids who were offered both cookies and apples where more likely to choose the apple if it had an Elmo sticker on it.

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