
17 April, 2013

Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp Protest

This article that I came across in the metro news this morning has really got my brain waves going. Guantanamo Detention Camp is located on a Naval Base in Cuba and its home to terrorism suspects.  Human Rights activist are outraged calling it indisputable that the United States engaged in the practice  of torture. When Obama took office in 2009,  he promise he would ban abusive interrogation  techniques. The human rights activists groups are reallying outside the white house holding banners with signs as part  which is paof a  nationwide for Guantanamo Bay Day of Action, as they want President Barack Obama to close the Guantanamo detention camp. This comes weeks before the United States accused North Korea of also carrying out inhumane practices. What this story has made me realize that everything broils down to politics and the struggle for power. How can one vow to do one thing then at the same token accuse others, when they are practicing the same thing. What l take from this story is in the game of politics in order to ensure your seat you have play the game even if its misleading to the public.

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