
24 April, 2013

Health Tips- Ginger Tea

In Jamaica,  I've always known Ginger Tea as  a natural herb remedy  that is excellent for Treating
Nausea, Relieving Joint Pain,  Digestive Disorders, Promoting Heart Health,  and Treating Colds,  but new studies have shown that drinking green tea can help prevent migraines according the the metro newspaper special edition on Health and wellness expert  Joy Bauer "Today" show and New York Times best-selling author. You can buy one of the mainstream brands that make ginger tea, or you can easily prepare your own homemade version by cutting fresh ginger into strip into thin strips and boiling with water for about five minutes, I always add a little brown sugar for  a souce of  iron. And with warmer weather around the corner, try pouring your tea some ice over it to cool you down. The water keeps your hydrated, which is very important since hydration is a common migraine trigger.

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