
22 December, 2010

Act Now! Act Fast! New World Order Is Here....

A global crisis, without an end in sight, there are going to be many things to consider, as new changes are going to be in store, if we the citizens, don't act and protest to our local and Federal governments about the concerns at hand. Not only in the United States, but the entire world, which is going eradicate the middle class even more so, leaving those who have it, and those who don't. Take a long  and hard look on whats going on right now, our rights, liberty, privacy and freedom, are slowly being taken away from us, but our rights to defend ourselves still exist, as we need to demonstrate and speak out on these political concerns. We have rights and liberty as citizen of this world, to express the concerns and wrong doings, to make right again. As citizens of this world, why are we not entitled to live and voice the way we feel, as they're slowly injecting the poison that is about to corrupt this world and change it to the way we once knew it, and make everyone on edge as this new regime called the New World Order is going to govern the way they look at the world. The plans and foundations are already in place, just check around you, but its us, the people who have the right to live and express our concerns and do something about it. We must come together and form a United Front, otherwise the home we once knew is not going to be the same home we're going to remember,as everyone is is going to be in survival mode, doing what they have to do to survive, while the bigger heads upstairs are going to be  there laughing doing what they want, imposing their will, taking away our beliefs, standards, way of living, losing  our morals, essence and political views on life... Check out these video links and get a better prospective on whats going on.... Remember stand up for your rights, because your entitled to it.... Start the Global Revolution Now.... Here are the links....

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